Thursday, August 15, 2019

Summer States No. 39 - North Dakota

     Hello everybody and welcome back to another installment of Nations Made Fun! I'll be your host and director, Mr. Nations, your tour guide to the mysterious world of international history! Today we'll be taking a look at North Dakota, the thirty-ninth to be admitted to the United States! Well, what are we waiting for? Let's dive straight into it, shall we?

     North Dakota Facts:
  • Date of Statehood: November 2, 1889
  • Capital: Bismarck
  • Population: 672,591 (2010)
  • Size: 70,698 square miles
  • Motto: Liberty and Union Now and Forever, One and Inseparable
  • Tree: American Elm
  • Flower: Wild Prairie Rose
  • Bird: Western Meadowlark
     Fun Facts:
  • The geographical center of North Dakota lies in Rugby, North Dakota.
  • North Dakota is the leading producer of about a dozen crops for the U.S.
  • Both in 1947 and 1987, a bill was drafted to combine the two states, North and South Dakota to be just Dakota. Both bills were rejected.
     North Dakota on a map: 
     Image result for north dakota on a u.s. map

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