Thursday, August 22, 2019

Summer States No. 46 - Oklahoma

     Hello everybody and welcome back to another installment of Nations Made Fun! I'll be your host, Mr. Nations, your tour guide for this massive, massive world! Today we'll be taking a look at Oklahoma, the forty-sixth state in the United States. Well, what are we waiting for? Let's dive straight into it!

     Oklahoma Facts:
  • Date of Statehood: November 16, 1907.
  • Capital: Oklahoma City
  • Population: 3,751,351 (2010)
  • Size: 69,899 square miles
  • Motto: Labor Omnia Vincit (“Labor Conquers All Things”)
  • Tree: Redbud
  • Flower: Mistletoe
  • Bird: Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher
     Fun Facts: 
  • During the course of the day on June 8, 1974, 5 different tornadoes struck Oklahoma City.
  • Oklahoma's state capitol building is the only one to be built directly underneath an oil well. A massive oil pool was located under the building, so a well was built to obtain the oil.
  • Thirty-nine Indian tribes are headquartered in Oklahoma.
     Oklahoma on a map:
     Image result for oklahoma on a u.s. map

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