Friday, May 29, 2020

Part 10: 30 Historical Fun Facts (Finale!)

     Hello everybody and welcome back to another edition of my 300 Fast Facts series. Today is the finale for the series, so I thought I'd finish it with a bang and give you guys thirty assorted history fun facts. Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get right into it!
  1. Augustus Caesar was the wealthiest man in history, with a net worth of $.46 trillion dollars. 
  2. Alexander the Great was accidentally buried alive.
  3. The most successful pirate in history was a lady named Ching Shih. At her height, she controlled 300 warships. 
  4. In ancient times, Olympians performed naked.
  5. At one point in time, the Colosseum was entirely covered in marble. It was ripped out by the Goths when they were pillaging Rome.
  6. Rasputin was an actual person and he survived being poisoned and being shot.
  7. There were female gladiators, not just male participants.
  8. The Vikings were the first people to discover the Americas, not Christopher Columbus.
  9. The Luftwaffe had a master interrogator whose tactic was being as nice as possible. 
  10. In ancient Asia, death by elephant was a popular form of execution. 
  11. The UK government collected postcards as intelligence for the D-Day landings.
  12. When Marcus Crassus (the richest man in Rome during his lifetime) died, molten gold was poured down his throat.
  13. Germany uncovers 2,000 tons of unexploded bombs every year.
  14. In ancient Greece, wearing skirts was manly. 
  15. A singing birthday card had more computer power in it than the entire Allied Army of WWII.
  16. Cleopatra's reign was closer to the moon landing than the construction of the Great Pyramid.
  17. During WWI, the French built a "fake Paris" to confuse German pilots.
  18. An ancient text called the Voynich Manuscript still baffles scientists. Hundreds have tried to solve the mystery, but none have succeeded.
  19. 4% of the Normandy beaches are made up of shrapnel. Upon analysis, scientists discovered that some granules of sand are shrapnel from wartime.
  20. The saying "fly off the handle" originates in the 1800s. It refers to cheap axe-heads flying off the axe's handle.
  21. Gengis Khan was tolerant of all religions. 
  22. Thomas Edison didn't invent most of the stuff he patented. He was actually an intellectual property thief.
  23. In 1386, a pig was executed for killing a child.
  24. Ever since 1945, all British tanks are equipped with tea-making equipment.
  25. The ingredients of Greek Fire are still a mystery. It is considered one of the deadliest weapons of warfare.
  26. One in 200 men are direct descendants of Genghis Khan.
  27. Shakespeare created the first "yo momma" joke.
  28. The Dutch-Scilly war lasted 335 years and had no battles or deaths.
  29. During WWII, America called hamburgers "liberty steaks" because the name hamburger sounded German.
  30. The ancient Egyptians used slabs of stone as pillows.

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