Saturday, October 24, 2020

Silly Saturday Facts Collection No. 50

      Hello everybody and welcome back to another edition of Global History Hub! I'll be your host, Mr. Nations, your tour guide to this massive world we all call home! On today's edition of Silly Saturday, we'll be taking a look at another three facts. Today we celebrate the 50th edition of Silly Saturday and our 150th fact. So, wat are we waiting for? Let's dive straight into it! 

  • For a long time, castles were built primarily out of wood. Some were kept in operation for several centuries!
  • Castles did not have bathrooms or toilets! They had rooms called "gaderobes" where there were holes that dumped waste into moats below. 
  • The average time for castle construction was ten years.

1 comment:

  1. I always look forward to Silly Saturdays. Glad you thought of putting these facts in your blog!


Please be respectful. Think to yourself, "Would I say this to a child?"