Monday, December 14, 2020

Christmas Countdown - 11 Days

     Hello everybody and welcome back to another edition of Global History Hub! I'll be your host, Mr. Nations, your tour guide to this massive world we all call home! In today's edition of Christmas Countdown, we're going to be taking a look at eleven Christmas photos or paintings taken long ago. Well, what are we waiting for? Let's see the images!

Children in the early 1900s receiving a miniature kitchen and theater.
A family crowding around their Christmas tree in 1918. Pine trees were not the norm yet, so people used whatever tree was most convenient.
A woman dressed as a Christmas tree, complete with a hat.
Scandinavian children bringing home traditional Christmas decor.
Soldier carrying a Christmas tree home, 1915.
Early 1900s Christmas window shopping
Christmas dinner for horses in Washington D.C., circa 1918.
Christmas post office cart, circa Washington D.C., 1919

1 comment:

  1. Great choice of topics -- the countdown to Christmas! Enjoyed both postings.


Please be respectful. Think to yourself, "Would I say this to a child?"