Saturday, January 2, 2021

Silly Saturday Facts Collection No. 53

     Hello everybody and welcome back to another edition of Global History Hub! I'll be your host, Mr. Nations, your tour guide to this massive world we all call home! On today's edition of Silly Saturday, we'll be taking a look at three more cool fun facts. Well, what are we waiting for? Let's dive straight into it!
  1. During World War II, a Great Dane named Juliana was awarded the Blue Cross Medal. She extinguished an incendiary bomb by peeing on it!
  2. Alexander the Great was accidentally buried alive.
  3. From 1912 to 1948, the Olympic Games held competitions in the fine arts. Medals were given for literature, architecture, sculpture, painting, and music. One requirement was that the piece had to be Olympic-related.
Juliana the Great Dane

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