Thursday, September 5, 2019

Schedule Notice (Continued)

     Hi everyone. I understand that I have been gone for some time now, and I would like to apologize for my long leave of absence. Labor Day weekend was so entertaining that I completely forgot to do my blog posts, and the days after were also difficult to make a post. Homework kind of swallowed me up because all my classes are assigning big fat projects to do. Still, that leaves no excuse for my hiatus. I apologize for my absence and would like to make it up to you in a big way.

     I have been considering this for some time now, and I'm still unsure as to whether I should do it. So, I've come to you guys for some help. Because Summer States was such a hit with you guys, I was wondering maybe I should do something similar with countries. I know, it sounds insane, considering there are 195 countries in the world. So please let me know what you guys think. Here are the options so far:

1.) I do Summer States, but with countries.
2.) I resume my regular posting schedule.

     Please let me know what you think. I don't want to make a huge pledge to you guys only for everyone to hate it. Comment what you think down below.

     Warm regards,

     Mr. Nations

1 comment:

  1. It's always a pleasure to read what you post. You seem to have a lot of schoolwork so I say you should choose what works best for your schedule. 195 countries is a lot to think about right now.


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