Monday, November 16, 2020

Some Changes

     Hello everybody! I've been thinking about bringing some changes to my website, mostly because I have somewhat burnt out on my blog so far. Now, I don't want to stop cold turkey for a few weeks (although I will not make any posts for the entirety of next week due to me having Thanksgiving break), but I do want to do something that I think is more "fun" to get me through the week. So here are a few ideas. 
  1. Doing a 3-part post, such as breaking one subject into three short posts.
  2. Just lengthening my upcoming break by three days.
  3. Having a bunch of Thanksgiving facts compiled and posting it all on Wednesday before going on break
  4. Or something else.
     I think what will end up happening is that I will post many facts on Wednesday, and leave for one week. I hope that it all works out in the end, but things may change. See ya!       

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