Monday, June 15, 2020

Presidential Biographies: My Thoughts, Experiences, And Opinions

     Hello everybody, it's Mr. Nations! Phew, it's been a long road since the beginning of Presidential Biographies. I started this endeavor on March 28th, 2020, and officially ended it on June 15th, 2020. Counting everything up, I spent seventy-nine days on this project. Admittedly, some of that was me taking a break and doing the 300 Fast Facts Series. For this post, I'm going to share my thoughts and experiences with this project.

     Q. Did I enjoy it?

     A. For the most part, yes. Posting high-quality content proved to be time-consuming at some points and therefore drained my energy. Without the break I took in the very middle I may never have reached my final goal.

     Q. Was it fun?

     A. At some points, but for the most part, no. I enjoyed learning about the older presidents very much, but once I hit the twentieth century it started to get boring. It just wasn't as interesting to me. Overall I think that this was a good experience for me though. It taught me to stick to my promises and to take breaks when things get too tough.

     Q. Would I do something like this again?

     A. Short answer, no. At least, not in the near future. This was an exhausting project that left me tired and lazy. I may consider doing something of this magnitude again if it is highly requested by viewers, but I won't consider it until I am absolutely certain I have the fight in me to finish the project.

     Q. When will I start posting again?

     A. In about two weeks. I am taking a two-week break to catch my breath before I resume my normal posting schedule. Posts will resume on Saturday, June 27th, 2020.

     Q. Will there be any major website changes?

     A. Probably not. I quite like my posting schedule and will keep it until I am fresh out of ideas. Please note that in my first post, I said that the schedule is completely subject to change and can and will change on my whims. Posts may increase or decrease in the future depending on whether I have the time for posts anymore.

     IMPORTANT: Please note that I may not go completely dark. I may put up a few posts depending on whether or not I feel like I should. School is out for me, which means summer break. You may see an increase in post frequency.

     Thank you for taking the time to read everything. If you've gotten this far, congratulations! Most don't. It's been a long time since I asked this, but if you have any friends you can send this to, please do so. Remember, you're great!


     Mr. Nations


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