Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Triumphant Tuesday: The Invention of the Printing Press + Schedule Change

     Hello everybody and welcome back to another edition of Nations Made Fun! Before we get started, I want to change my schedule a little bit. History and historical documents really only focus on the negative parts, which makes it difficult to find positive things. I've decided to change Triumphant Tuesday to Innovative Tuesday. I will review one invention every Tuesday. This will be a lot easier than finding positive things about history.

     Today we'll be taking a look at the invention of the printing press, a beneficial invention in the spread of news and keeping people informed. Well, what are we waiting for? Let's dive straight into it!

     The printing press is a machine that allows for large quantities of uniform printing, mainly in the form of newspapers and magazines. Nobody really knows exactly who invented the printing press, but we do know that it was invented in China and was used to make calendars and mathematics papers. Gradually, scrolls began to be replaced by book-type texts.

     Sorry for the short post. I felt that this only deserved one paragraph. I'll make sure to make a full-sized post tomorrow.

     Picture of an original printing press:
     Image result for first printing press
     Sources: https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/printing-press

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